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10 people who are surprisingly Arab ❗

  10 people who are surprisingly Arab ❗ Despite the fact that individuals of Arab drop aren't regularly celebrated in the news, particularly with strains in the Middle East, ISIS, and the previous War on Terror, you may be shocked to realize that some of you. Araian Girl:Source-Wikimedia Despite the fact that individuals of Arab plunge aren't frequently celebrated in the news, particularly with strains in the Middle East, ISIS, and the previous War on Terror, you may be astounded to realize that a portion of your #1 performers have Arabic legacy.  Whatever your generalizations and suppositions might be, a portion of these names may astonish you. It simply demonstrates that individuals are really difficult to classify and these stars are no special case.  Here are a couple of stars whose predecessors or even guardians came from some place in the Middle East. Since they are not named Mohammed doesn't make their family any less authentic A large number of them have progen...

How to become smart?

How to become smart?

How to become smart?

  Hey guys! Chronicle living here! And todayI'll be going over three powerful techniques to increase your IQ which aresimple ways to become smarter! In the past, not very long ago, it was believedthat your brain's intellectual capacity and your IQ was fixed when you reachedadulthood. It went as far as that by age 7, your brain's fate was determined forthe rest of your life. Glad to say that has been proven false withmore and more scientific research and studies done when we discoveredsomething called neuroplasticity. If you break that word down neuro meansrelating to nerves or the nervous system and plasticity means the quality ofbeing easily shaped or molded. So then the full definition of neuroplasticityis the ability of the brain to form and reorganize somatic connectionsespecially in response to learning or experience or following injury. Thisdiscovery showed us if we can get our brains to form new neural connections,your intellectual quotient also known as IQ can possibly increase as well brainplasticity is a common term used by neuroscientist referring to the brain'sability to change at any age for the better or the worst. What we discoveredis gray matter in our brains can actually shrink or thicken and so neuralconnections could be forged and refined or weakened and severed. You heard of thesaying use-it-or-lose-it right? Much like a muscle, not working out can lead to adecline in the brain's ability to use several neural pathways which can leadto things like memory decline and decline in cognitive functions. But whathas been found is that under the right circumstances, the power of brainplasticity can help adult minds to grow! Again, in this vide,o we'll be going overthree powerful training techniques you could do anywhere that can help you toincrease your IQ which means will help you become smarter. Now let me say thisbefore we begin. Doing these techniques for a short time only is not going tochange you. It's gonna require time and patience exactly like working out youcannot go hard on week one and slack off week 2 and week 3 you're back to squareone. with nothing. In order to see greatresults these trainings have to be done at least five times a week. Even thoughI'll be showing you three different trainings, you still have the choice ofchoosing one or doing them all. Just as long as you can stay long-term with theplan and do them every day, you can find amazing results. Technique number one. Oneof the most important findings of recent neuroplasticity research is thediscovery of how closely our senses are connected to memory and cognition andthis specific training will aim just at that. It is called image streaming. It isbelieved that on average we produce 50,000 thoughts a day! If I tell you toimagine right now an elephant flying with a balloon high up in the air, youprobably already pictured it in your mind. Something like this right? This isessentially like active daydreaming. Daydreaming except you're conscious andactive while doing it. So what I mean is you're gonna use your mind's eye to seewhat you picture in your head and this is where you're gonna use imagestreaming. You'll have to begin to use your mind's eye to start describing whatyou see in full details. Of course I recommend to close your eyes while doingthis and also it's important that you're gonna want to describe out to yourselfwith your own voice what you're seeing in as much detail as possible, so let's usethe elephant example again. Right now I see a checkered black and whitelighthouse and a giant white moon in the gray sky with dark circular craters. NowI see a grey elephant floating with a hot air balloon that's black with orangestripes in a slow forward motion towards the blue ocean. See how I actually madeit simple and described it in details? Oh wait. That's only one-fifth of thetechnique four more parts of the technique? But don't worry it's not thatcomplicated. You're just gonna have to describe out with your voice the nextfour senses of what you're sensing such as sound, smell, touch, and taste. So goingback to the image stream, I'm gonna say I hear the ocean waves and the seagulls,I smell the mists of the ocean, I feel how the elephant has a leatherylike skin, the lighthouse tastes cold and dull. When we image stream, we're lettingthe visual image to be the doorway to many areas of our brain. The greater ofthe association of the areas of the brain that we're using with all fivesenses involved in the visual image, the greater amount of the brain is beingused for that visual image. So instead of accessing only one or two areas of ourbrains when we think, the brain is accessing more areas when we aredescribing the image. In the image streaming technique with all five senseswe are allowing the brain areas of the individual senses to become enlargedthat it's increasing the depth and the scope of the brain being used. So theschedule of this is you're gonna want to do this for at least 45 minutes to amaximum of one hour at least five times a week and the results are prettyamazing because what was found is the results start to take notice within twoto four weeks of increased ability to form ideas, reading ability, visualization,intellectual curiosity and concentration span also increased. Doing it longenough in couple months can lead to even greater improvements that some claimthey were able to achieve photographic like memory from this consistenttraining. The next training technique is a more of a passive type training thatdoesn't require as much effort as the first one. This one is called brainharmonics. The idea is your brain operates with certain wavelengths thathas bees such as Delta Theta beta which are programmed in certain sounds, brainharmonics is a technology which has been around for close to a hundred years.However the technology has gone through many changes, innovations, anddevelopments. In many ancient civilization, the use of drums in arhythmic and melodic way was useful for creating hypnotic and trance-like states.The rhythmic use of brainwave is what has been allowed for the changes to takeplace in our brains, so in modern brain harmonics, the effects come due to theuse of tones and certain specific wavelengths within a sound and neuronsmay able to grow with an active mental workout while you'relistening to this audio and doing something like math homework. So ifyou're gonna listen to this the schedule is you're gonna have to do this at leastfour times a week at least thirty minutes with headphoneson. You could search binaural beats or brain harmonics on the web andexperience it yourself and the third final technique is a more of a fun oneand a little bit unexpected and that is juggling. Juggling? You heard me right.Juggling there's been studies on how juggling has shown to cause certainareas of your brain to grow for example there's been experiment where as Germanresearchers divided 24 non jugglers in two groups and they assigned one groupto juggle 30 minutes a day. The scientists performed brain scans on thevolunteers using MRI before and after they learned to juggle. The researcherswere then able to investigate changes in the brain gray matter, the area of thebrain that consists mostly of cell bodies of neurons rather than theconnective fibers. The study found that the volunteers that did not train tojuggle showed no difference in their brain scans over the three-month period.However those that did juggle for 3 months straight demonstrated an increasein gray matter in two areas of the brain which involved visual and motor activity.It appears it as showed improved connection in the parts of the brainthat involves movements necessary to catch the balls so it is possible thatjuggling improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes, peripheral vision, and a host ofother motor skills. All right that is all for now! Also there's a video I made thatwent over my top 5 supplements for increasing brain power! Feel free toclick up on the video card to check it out. As always, subscribe if you haven'talready and click that Bell notification so I can annoy you about a new video!Thanks once again and I'll see you guys later! 


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