10 people who are surprisingly Arab ❗ Despite the fact that individuals of Arab drop aren't regularly celebrated in the news, particularly with strains in the Middle East, ISIS, and the previous War on Terror, you may be shocked to realize that some of you. Araian Girl:Source-Wikimedia Despite the fact that individuals of Arab plunge aren't frequently celebrated in the news, particularly with strains in the Middle East, ISIS, and the previous War on Terror, you may be astounded to realize that a portion of your #1 performers have Arabic legacy. Whatever your generalizations and suppositions might be, a portion of these names may astonish you. It simply demonstrates that individuals are really difficult to classify and these stars are no special case. Here are a couple of stars whose predecessors or even guardians came from some place in the Middle East. Since they are not named Mohammed doesn't make their family any less authentic A large number of them have progen...
How to increase mamory?
So think about this: Nowadays, a lot of peopleare obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. They eat wholesome food, workout at the gym,and all that jazz. But they tend to forget that our brain needsexercise too. Especially if you've started having memorylapses more often. Um, what did I just say? Oh yeah. So, if people keep saying you have the memoryof a goldfish, don't fret! Just try these simple brain exercises to helpyou out. 1. Read books aloudIn 2017, the University of Waterloo conducted an experiment where they asked 95 participantsto read silently, listen to someone else read, listen to a recording of themselves reading,and read out loud in real-time. Later, participants were required to repeatwords they read. It turned out, the word recall was greatestin the group that read aloud to themselves. When you speak and hear yourself speakingat the same time, it helps the brain to store the information. You can practice this exercise with your friendor a child. Also, you can try to switch to audiobooks. Listening to them engages the imaginationand brain regions in a different way than silent reading. 2. Switch hands during daily activities. Only 1% of the world population doesn't havea dominant hand. Everyone else uses either the right one orleft one to write, cut food, paint and so on. But if you try to switch to your “otherhand”, it’ll strengthen neural connections in your brain, making your mind and memorysharper. Use your opposite hand while brushing yourteeth, cleaning, or washing the dishes. But, hey, please don’t try this exercisewhile you’re driving, or doing brain surgery! It might seem really hard the first time youdo it, but it’ll give your brain the perfect kind of stimulation by adjusting. Just keep practicing this exercise regularly! 3. Elevate your heart rate 3 times a week. Regular aerobic exercise may increase thesize of the hippocampus—no, that’s not the University of Hippo –it’s the partof the brain responsible for transforming information into new memories. A study published in 2011 backs up the ideaabout the positive impact working out has on our memory. According to it, aerobic exercises that pumpup your heart rate help the brain store long-term memories. But even if breaking a sweat at the gym isn’texactly your thing, you can just take a brisk walk for 20 minutes, 3 times a week and stillget the same effect! 4. Eat with chopsticks. It’s one of the most effective ways to makeyour brain perform better. And here’s how it works: using chopsticksgrows new dendrites, which are extensions of nerve cells. They help to transmit impulses from cell tocell. This means that these dendrites have a positiveimpact on communication between brain cells. What’s more, involving the concentratedareas of nerve cells in your fingertips in this activity boosts the circulation in thebrain. And, as a bonus, switching to chopsticks improvesyour digestion and helps control calorie intake. Because it’s so hard! 5. Wear earplugs. Blocking a major sensory route by wearingplugs helps revive the way our brain functions. Because when we go about our day, we onlyhalf-listen, since we know what to expect. Experiencing the world without sound is agreat booster for our cognitive abilities, including memory. You can try this technique, for example, duringa family breakfast. But don’t forget to warn your family aboutit, or they’ll think you’ve decided to ignore them for no reason. Huh? 6. Create word pictures and puzzles. This is, hands down, the easiest exercisethat you can perform anywhere, like when you’re in public transport or waiting in the lineat a grocery store. Think of any word you like and visualize itsspelling in your head. After you’re done with this task, try tocome up with any other words (as many as you can) that begin or end with the same 2 lettersof your first word. This kind of mind game challenges your brainto stay active and sharp. 7. Do the 4 detail observation exercise. This is what scientists call “passive memorytraining.” You can practice it while you’re out andabout. All you have to do is observe any 4 detailsabout someone you encounter during the day and then recall them later. Let’s say, the barista who made your coffee. He or she could have had deep dark hair, agold watch, a beauty spot on their right cheek, and a yellow t-shirt on. Start with noticing these little details onjust one person a day, and gradually increase that number, or add more details to remember. The thing is, while we go about our day, wedon’t observe as much as we should, failing to receive information. Besides, being more observant of the peoplewho surround you is a great social skill. 8. Blast some tunesIf you have to cram for an exam or read and remember some stuff that’s related to yourwork, you’d better do it with pleasant background music. Listening to music helps our brain to retaininformation. It’s best to make a playlist with some instrumentalmelodies you like, since songs with lyrics might hinder the process of remembering. If you’re a real fan of music, considerlearning to play an instrument. This kind of activity not only enhances yourmemory, but also helps relieve stress, and makes you smarter! 9. Clench your fistIt’s as simple as that! In 2013, psychologists from Montclair StateUniversity carried out an experiment. Their findings suggest that clenching theright hand for 90 seconds helps in memory formation. If you do the same with your left hand itcan improve your memory recall. In the mentioned experiment, 50 adults wereasked to remember words from a long list. The word recall was higher for those participantswho carried out these movements. The researchers believe that clenching a fisttriggers specific brain regions responsible for memory processing. 10. DoodleRemember how you sometimes started to sketch during a school lesson? Turns out, doing this helps you store theinformation you hear! And in 2009, researchers from Cambridge decidedto prove it. A group of 40 participants was asked to listento a recorded tape that described a short story about a party. Also, half of the participants were told todoodle whatever they wanted on a piece of paper while listening to the tape. After the listening was over, all 40 membersof the experiment had to remember the names of people and places mentioned in the story. The doodlers recalled 29% more informationthan those who didn’t draw.
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Researchers explained these results by thefact that when we listen to something, we tend to daydream, and daydreaming distractsus from grasping the information. A simple task, like doodling, is efficientenough to stop the daydreaming, making us more perceptive of audial information. 11. Have a good laugh. Ah, this is my favorite one! If you keep forgetting where you’ve putyour keys or phone, maybe all you need is a short giggle sesh. At least, this is what the results of a 2012experiment carried out at Loma Linda University suggest. Researchers had two groups of participants,with an average age of 74. The first group had to watch a 20-minute comedy;the other one – humorless video. Laughter helps lower levels of cortisol - thestress hormone which can have a negative impact on the University of Hippocampus. Heh heh. And as I’ve already told you, this partof the brain plays an important role in the process of retaining information. That’s why the first group in that experimentshowed significantly better results in delayed recall and visual recognition later. So, never miss an opportunity to giggle! If you learned something new today, then givethis video a like and share it with a friend. But - hey! - don't go forgetting that…youknow, thing I mentioned… just yet! We have over 2,000 cool videos for you tocheck out. Just click on this left or right video andenjoy! Stay on the Bright Side of life!